NASUWT Islington Branch Newsletter May 2001



To all Islington Teachers,

Now we reach the Summer term, sorting out KS4 coursework, building up to SATS and GCSE terminal (what a terrible word) exams before the long wind down to the Summer break.

Branch Annual General Meeting

Time: 4:30 - 6pm

Date: Wednesday 6th June 2001

Venue: Nice pub with decent food

Masque Haunt, Old Street EC1

refreshments will of course be provided

The "cover to contract" action has been suspended to allow discussions to take place with employers (Local Government Association, Govt, etc) and union negotiators from all three classroom teacher unions have agreed a common position. The ideal resolution would be a 35 hour week where any extra work would be voluntary, occasional and only when the teacher felt it was useful. Even the STRB only disagrees with this in the context of an inquiry into teachers’ workload and pay&conditions; which is what the unions are demanding ~ along the lines of the McCrone Report in Scotland. This Summer it looks as if teachers will stay in the news, even despite the foot and mouth crisis. The "Time for a Limit" campaign on paperwork and meetings continues unaffected.

Next month we will hold our AGM. It appears extremely likely that by the time we meet, the decision will have been taken to dissolve the London Association and form twelve separate associations based on their respective boroughs. This will not make very much difference to most members of Islington NASUWT, but will mean that it is more important to elect the relevant officers for our association, particularly for Islington Treasurer, a position which has not previously been filled.

Over the page is the formal notice regarding the AGM and a form on which to nominate people to the various offices. This should be returned two weeks before the AGM.

One thing that cannot be avoided is that as a new association we will need a formal constitution. I can send anyone interested a draft copy, or it is available from the newsletters section of the Islington website. This will be circulated at and hopefully acceptable to the AGM. It will then be passed to the National Executive for acceptance.

Report from Conference:

Theresa May, Tory spokeswoman agreed that appeals panels on exclusions should be scrapped, Estelle Morris did not.

Graham Lane, spokesman for the Local Government Association (LGA) agreed to get into the "nitty gritty" of teachers’ pay & conditions.

Motions were passed to campaign to limit class sizes.

Activists from around the country met and discussed the problems they have faced and how they have been overcome.

This year NQTs in Islington who have stayed for the year have had a successful induction. All are on course to complete the induction period and have their qualified teacher status ratified. Unfortunately there is a small number of teachers who have not yet supplied evidence that they have passed the numeracy test. It is absolutely essential that this is provided asap.

The new London website, reported last month, has its new address (for as long as it still exists) which is

Last term the London Association nominated Seamus Searson and Kathy Duggan for the National Executive. We ask you to support them in the executive elections.

Greg Robbins



Islington NASUWT Annual General Meeting 2001

Wednesday 6th June, beginning 4:30 pm

The Masqued Haunt Public House, Old Street, EC1



Previous Minutes

Secretary’s Report

Report of the National Executive

Election of Association Officers

Islington Association Constitution

Reports from Schools

There will be a budget for food and refreshments, available from the bar.



Nominations for Offices within Islington NASUWT

Candidates for offices in the Islington Association should be eligible for membership of the association (that is, be a paid up full member of the NASUWT and have a connection with the borough, working in Islington or choosing Islington as the association which best serves his/her interests)

This is to nominate ....................................................................................................................

of .............................................................................................................. school / PRU / other

for the post of :

Secretary                   .......          Assistant Secretary            .......

Treasurer                   ......          Health and Safety Officer    .......

Vice President        ........


This nomination is proposed by ...............................................................................................

of ............................................................................................................. school / PRU / other

and seconded by .......................................................................................................................

of ............................................................................................................. school / PRU / other

Declaration to be signed by the candidate:

I, ............................................... (print name) am a paid-up member of the NASUWT and am prepared to accept the nomination for the above post,

signed ....................................................... date ...............................

Nominations should be sent to Greg Robbins, Islington NASUWT, Richard Cloudesley School, Golden lane London EC1Y 0TJ (fax: 7251 4911) to arrive by Wednesday 16th May.

If there is only one nomination for a post then that person will be elected unopposed. If there is no nomination, then nominations may be taken at the meeting.

Additional posts could be created at the AGM if the meeting so desired. These posts could include, but would not be limited to:

Social Events Officer, Equal Opportunities Officer, London Liaison Officer, Benevolence Officer.

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